Construction Defect Analysis
Fact Finding is a critical part of CDR's analysis of most disputes. Its process involves gathering information into an organized format that provides a clear picture of the issues leading to the dispute. This usually involves reviewing available documents, visiting the project site, meeting with clients, meeting with other experts, possible site testing, or gathering information from our extensive library of building codes and construction materials literature. Organization of the facts into a readily available and concise format can be used in mediation, arbitration, litigation or simply to help our clients understand the issues as related to their disputes.
Site review is an essential part of our fact finding. At the site our case managers gather facts about disputed issues, typically accompanied by limited removal of building components. Often the facts are gathered through observation in cooperation with other consultants and specialty contractors. Whenever possible CDR recommends this approach to fact finding, as this has proven to be efficient and can result in cost savings to our clients. During a site review we follow nation-wide recognized safety rules such as those published by the Occupational Safety Hazard Administration (OSHA) and the Washington Industrial Safety Hazard Act (WISHA).
Defect analysis involves identification of defects and their causes, and requires careful analysis to determine whether the alleged defects result from inadequate blueprint or specification details, poor workmanship, defective materials, deviation from manufacturers' installation recommendations, or improper maintenance. Destructive investigation of a building is often mandated for a thorough analysis. Once the key issues are revealed then the most effective method of remediation can be developed, along with an appropriate scope of work, followed by preparation of the repair cost breakdowns. A thorough investigation of this type can be crucial to the outcome of the case.
Document review can be the window to recreating a construction project from years past, keeping a current project on track, or understanding the responsibilities of the various parties. Thorough review of as-built construction plans, specifications, permits, inspection reports and testing data is critical in the initial analysis. Review of documentation often includes analyzing and chronologically organizing construction drawings, contracts, technical papers, testing procedures, invoices, change orders, and correspondence. We have the knowledge to analyze documents with a critical eye, and the methodology to identify and organize the relevant documents in a manner most useful to our clients.